Sean’s Other Projects

Pure Love Chocolate

I co-founded this sugar-free (stevia-only) chocolate brand with my dear friend Lydia back in 2014, designing all of the branding, packaging, website and customer experience. Today I continue to help operate and grow the business as demand increases for healthy sugar-free and low-sugar options. Available online and in Eugene at Sundance & Capella.

Bon Bon's Nook

My second food business, Bon Bon's Nook, is a brand of Cassava Tortilla Mix that helps people make grain-free, gluten-free, sugar-free tortillas at home as a better than bread alternative. All you need is some avo/olive oil, water and a tortilla press! Sold at Sundance in Eugene and online. Also now a podcast! Remember Tortillas.

The Elevation Station

A community effort to open a music/performance venue + TV station in South Eugene. The Elevation Station will provide a local gathering place for music, arts, dance, song circles and more. Everything will be broadcast live by default, so folks can tune in and get inspired to be a part of the magic. Currently seeking a venue space!

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